Εις την παρούσαν έκδοσιν εξιστορούνται τα σχετικά με την απόφασιν αγιοκατατάξεως του Γέροντος Πορφυρίου του Καυσοκαλυβίτου και όσαι εκ των πρώτων εκδηλώσεων μετά την αγιοκατάτα ξιν αυτού περιήλθον εις γνώσιν μας....
As the fourth edition is now out of print, with happiness we proceed to the fifth edition, which is supplemented with some new accounts in the appendix....
The testimony of the Hymnographer of the Great Church of Christ hieromonk Athanasios of Simonopetra regarding father Paisios included in the DVD, convulses us as it reveals a saint Elder s soul, who lived in modern times....
Marturia vie a imnografului Bisericii celei Mari a lui Hris-tos, ieromonahul Atanasie Simonopetritul, despre Parintele Paisie, care se afla in DVD, cutremura in timp ce descopera in fata ochilor nostri sufletul unui Sfant Parinte care a trait in zilele noastre....