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    215979-The Purification of Five Elements

    The Purification of Five Elements

    €24,88 €22,39
    208194-Το δόγμα των πνευματικών φύσεων

    Το δόγμα των πνευματικών φύσεων

    Πριν τη δημιουργία του Σύμπαντος ήταν το μοναδικό Ον και μετά από αυτήν είναι και πάλι, με τη μόνη διαφορά ό,τι σκόρπισε τόσα τμήματά Του, όσα και τα όντα που δημιούργησε....
    €25,00 €22,50
    Εικόνα της The Riddle of Spiritual Evolution

    The Riddle of Spiritual Evolution

    Do you truly believe that what you see in the mirror is really YOU? Do you believe that there is nothing else apart from your material senses? Do you believe that you have come on Earth on vacation? Or is it the case that you belong to that group of people who feel inside of them the existence of something truer and more real than their own reflection? Either way, this book has come to disturb the tranquility of your Personality and to attempt to awaken your Esoteric Self....
    €14,00 €11,20