Η μελέτη αυτή έχει στόχο να δείξει τόσο την φύση όσο και κάποιες συνέπειες ορισμένων κυρίαρχων διανοητικών εξελίξεων και αλλαγών στην Ευρώπη κατά την Χριστιανική περίοδο, κυρίως εφόσον αυτές αφορούν την Ελληνική Ανατολή και την Λατινική Δύση....
It is now only too evident that the revolutionary changes in mental outlook that took place in western Christendom some three or four centuries ago, and that produced the modern scientific movement, are the major cause of the crisis in which the world finds itself today....
In spite of the fact that marriage is recognized as a sacrament by the Church, the attitude of Christian thought towards the sexual relationship and its spiritualizing potentialities has been in practice singularly limited and negative....
Τhe division of Christendom into the Greek East and the Latin West has its origins far back in history but its consequences still affect Europe, and thus western civilization....
Since its emergence as an independent nation during the first decades οf the nineteenth century Greece has produced a succession οf poets οf whom any country would be proud....
We are becoming increasingly aware that the forms of our life and art - of our modern civilization generally - have over the last few centuries been characterized by the progressive loss of precisely that sense which gives virtually all other civilizations and cultures of the world their undying lustre and significance: the sense of the sacred....