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TABLE OF CONTENTS: I. Introduction II. The hoard found at Santa Maria di Licodia, Sicily III. A decadrachm by a New Artist IV. The decadrachms of Cimôn V. The artistic career of Evaenetus and his influence VI. The Damareteion and the later “medallions” VII. Chronological conclusions Appendix A: The hoard of Western Sicily Appendix B: On the date of the Great Naxos deposit SOME NEW ARTISTS’ SIGNATURES ON SICILIAN COINS: I. An earlier Cimôn at Himera II. ΜAI . . . at Himera ΙII. The later Cimôn at Messana IV. Evarchidas at Syracuse V. Parme . . . at Syracuse VI, VII. Syracusan hemidrachms by Evænetus and by Φ and EY VIII. Exacestidas at Camarina Appendix: New signature of Cimôn PLATES CITY INDEX HOARD INDEX