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    230328-Η ελαφίνα της Κερύνειας

    Η ελαφίνα της Κερύνειας

    Τον καιρό που η Γη ήταν ακόμη καινούρια, τις δουλειές τις πολύ δύσκολες, τις ακατόρθωτες, τις έκαναν οι ήρωες....
    €6,60 €4,62
    230327-Ο κάπρος του Ερύμανθου

    Ο κάπρος του Ερύμανθου

    Με τη σειρά "Μυθολογικά Παραμύθια" επιχειρείται μια καινούρια "ανάγνωση" των αρχαίων ελληνικών μύθων....
    €6,60 €4,62
    230163-The Stables of Augeas

    The Stables of Augeas

    At the time when the Earth was still young, it was up to the heroes to carry out the most difficult, or even impossible tasks....
    €6,60 €4,62
    230168-The Song of the Sirens

    The Song of the Sirens

    The monsters from Greek mythology speak out for themselves....
    €6,60 €4,62
    230167-The Riddle of the Sphinx

    The Riddle of the Sphinx

    The monsters from Greek mythology speak out for themselves....
    €6,60 €4,62
    230174-The Myth of Arachne

    The Myth of Arachne

    Gods have the power of transformation....
    €6,60 €4,62
    230165-The Minotaur and the Labyrinth

    The Minotaur and the Labyrinth

    The monsters from Greek mythology speak out for themselves....
    €6,60 €4,62
    230162-The Lernaean Hydra

    The Lernaean Hydra

    At the time when the Earth was still young, it was up to the heroes to carry out the most difficult, or even impossible tasks....
    €6,60 €4,62
    230157-The Girdle of Hippolyta

    The Girdle of Hippolyta

    At the time when the Earth was still young, it was up to the heroes to carry out the most difficult, or even impossible tasks....
    €6,60 €4,62
    230159-The Cattle of Geryon

    The Cattle of Geryon

    At the time when the Earth was still young, it was down to the heroes to carry out the most difficult, or impossible tasks....
    €6,60 €4,62
    230155-The Capture of Cerberus

    The Capture of Cerberus

    At the time when the Earth was still young, it was up to the heroes to carry out the most difficult, or even impossible tasks....
    €6,60 €4,62
    230158-The Apples of the Hesperides

    The Apples of the Hesperides

    At the time when the Earth was still young, it was up to the heroes to carry out the most difficult, or even impossible tasks....
    €6,60 €4,62
    230176-Orpheus and Eurydice

    Orpheus and Eurydice

    The world was born out of love, and it was out of love that it almost perished....
    €6,60 €4,62
    230169-I Am the Goddess Athena

    I Am the Goddess Athena

    I am Athena, the goddess of wisdom....
    €6,60 €4,62
    230172-I Am the Goddess Aphrodite

    I Am the Goddess Aphrodite

    I am Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love....
    €6,60 €4,62
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