Πώς χάθηκες αγάπη µου;
Θυµάµαι που βαδίζαµε
τον όµορφο δρόµο
τον ροµαντικό των αστεριών
κι άξαφνα στα µισά,
θύελλες και βροντές
τάραξαν την ψυχή µου...
Today, the Pontian dialect, like any other regional Greek dialect, is not used in daily communication except by only a small portion of people, who in the near future will naturally continue to decrease in number...
With the fourth collection, the creator, more mature now, surrenders all the obstacles so as to redeem and complete an important circle, calling upon all of us (simple observers) to pass into the deeper and liberated expression of the Being...