The gods of the heavens. The flight of Phaethon. Dionysus and wine. Dionysus and Icarius. The campaignes of Dionysus. The Tyrrhenian pirates. Pan, the god of shepherds. Midas and his sufferings.
The nine Muses. The three Graces. Orpheus and Eurydice. The death of Eurydice. Orpheus in the Underworld. Eurydice is lost for ever. Arion and the pirates. Marsyas challenges Apollo.
Phrixus and Elle. The one-sandalled man. A solemn vow. The Voyage to Colchis. The Golden Fleece. The terrible voyage home. A dream unrealised. The tragic end.
The birth of Heracles. The first feats. Virtue and Evil. The twelve labours. Alcestis. Heracles and Deianeira. The battle of the Giants. Ascent to Olympus.
The five generations. Prometheus tricks Zeus. The theft of fire. The Lycaian games. Pandora, a “gift” to mankind. The great flood. Deucalion’ s ark. The earth is repeopled.
The battle of the Titans.The Creation. Titans and Cyclopes. Cronus deposes Uranus. The birth of Zeus. The Titans in Tartarus. Zeus, ruler of the world.
The birth of Apollo. The feat of Admetus. Apollo and Daphne. Asclepius. Hermes steals Apollo’s herds. A great friendship is born. The water of oblivion.